Future of Work : tendances à venir dans les prochaines années

What is the future of work?

Digital Workplace
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Ludovic Lesoile Business Manager Digital

Do you regularly hear about this concept, but don’t know what it is? Discover the definition and challenges of the future of work!​

Future of work: what is it?​

Like all French and international companies, you are invested in a digital transformation process. Thinking about the future of work means rethinking current conventions in order to invent the processes of tomorrow. New technologies and tools, as well as teleworking, will play an even more important role in the future. Discover our vision of the future of work and the direction the business world could take.​

Definition of the future of work​

The future of work is a concept that aims to predict the likely changes in the world of work over the next decade. It is also about recognising that businesses, agencies and organisations are currently going through a pivotal period.​

We believe that new technologies, but also social and generational concerns are helping to create the future of work. By observing current trends, as well as our digital and data expertise, we can identify a number of likely changes in the world of work.​

Adapting companies to the rapid development of new technologies​

Whatever your sector of activity, it is a safe bet that some of your jobs and processes are gradually transforming under the impetus of new technologies. It is certain, for example, that the development of blockchain has a major role in the organization of work and exchanges between tomorrow’s companies. To help you anticipate the uses of tomorrow, here are some ideas related to new technologies.​

Predict the obsolescence of employees’ skills​

The obsolescence of skills is a major issue raised by the notion of future of work. The rise of new technologies and tools suggests a significant need for business intelligence. Your current employees, as well as the workers of tomorrow, will therefore have to continue to be trained, as their jobs evolve.​

While the need to increase skills and be part of a continuous training process seems obvious for digital talent, it concerns almost all sectors of activity. Each year, we supervise the training of our consulting and structural employees, in order to adapt their skills to their desires and the new realities of their professions.​

Create a clear policy for the collection and use of data​

In the age of big data, we believe that the question of data collection and use is inherent to the future of work. This is especially true if your company pursues a “data-driven” digital strategy. Leaders or chief data officers (head of data) will have to reinvent new data governance and master data management (RDM) policies.​

We recommend that you apply a transparency strategy. Stricter legislation and users’ concerns about their privacy are opening the door to new standards in terms of data.​

Understanding the rise of artificial intelligence in business​

Artificial intelligence has been increasingly used in companies around the world for several years. We firmly believe that AI will carve out a place for itself in the professional environment of tomorrow. This concerns the automation of physical activities, through the use of robots. The proliferation of conversational agents, or chatbots, on company websites and applications is another example.​

Our experience in digital technology allows us to particularly appreciate the major advances brought by machine learning, and in particular deep learning. Artificial intelligence makes it possible to make the most of your company’s data and support your employees in their time-consuming tasks.​

Take advantage of the new work tools of the business world​

The future of work also means new tools that contribute to the transformation of the organization in your company. In the future, collaboration between your employees will be even more digital. The covid crisis has helped to get companies and their teams used to appropriating these digital tools. Trello, Notion, Slack and Zoom have become part of the daily life of companies. Marketing automation tools are also good examples.​

Our agency uses state-of-the-art digital tools on a daily basis in its design of nurturing, remarketing and cold mailing campaigns. The evolution of open source tools or tools that facilitate collective work within companies should also be monitored.​

Le future of work : les tendances du travail de demain se dessinent progressivement​

Le future of work peut aussi prendre la forme d’une nouvelle organisation du travail ou d’une expérience personnalisée pour vos salariés et collaborateurs. Pour rester concurrentielle à l’avenir, votre entreprise devra avoir résolu plusieurs questions, comme celle du télétravail.​

Quelle est la place du télétravail dans le future of work ?​

Vous avez peut-être, vous aussi, redécouvert le télétravail pendant la crise du covid. Cette nouvelle expérience de travail a rebattu les cartes de l’organisation de la vie de bureau. Certaines sociétés font déjà le choix de fermer leurs bureaux au profit du travail à distance pour une grande partie de leurs équipes. D’autres cherchent un juste milieu, en essayant différents types d’organisation hybrides.​

Quelle que soit votre position sur cette question, le télétravail fait partie des facteurs de transformation du monde de l’entreprise. Une approche favorable au travail à distance facilite, par exemple, la délocalisation de métiers qualifiés, ou encore l’externalisation d’un certain nombre d’activités.​

Des solutions d’internalisation et d’externalisation de plus en plus agiles​

Le travail du futur, c’est aussi l’opportunité de redéfinir la stratégie RH de votre entreprise. La crise des talents digitaux et le manque de collaborateurs formés aux nouvelles technologies peuvent trouver des réponses intéressantes. Le nombre de nouvelles compétences, voire de nouveaux métiers dans le numérique augmente sans cesse. Nous pensons que le future of work sera aussi placé sous le signe de la collaboration entre les entreprises.​

Nos équipes de consultants digitaux et experts en structure le prouvent tous les jours en accompagnant nos clients dans leurs projets numériques. L’avenir du monde du travail pourrait offrir encore plus d’agilité dans l’organisation des tâches et la constitution des équipes. L’évolution du freelancing constitue une autre preuve de cette tendance de fond.​

Informed choices about your business transformation​

As you can see, each company or worker has its own definition of the future of work. The development of new technologies or certain trends such as teleworking will certainly play a central role. But we also believe that the concept of the future of work depicts a need to rethink the work of the future.​

Take this opportunity to think about your management techniques or the organization of working time in your company. Societal changes are also reflected in our vision of the future of work.​

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), gender equality and happiness at work are topics that will continue in the future. Keep in mind that the direction your company takes in the future will reflect your worldview and participate in your corporate culture.​

For many companies, the future of work includes the need for digital transformation. Would you like to be supported in the management of your digital projects? Contact us to discuss your needs!​

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